Ethical Guidelines

Publication Ethics & Publication Malpractice Statement

Responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board

The MST Review follows a double-blind review process.  

The Editor-in-chief and/or the Editorial Board shall decide on the merits of the manuscripts submitted for publication. The decision to accept, reject, or revise-resubmit manuscripts is based on the initial screening of the Editor-in-Chief and/or Editorial Board and the recommendation of peer reviewers who possess the necessary expertise in their respective academic fields. The Editor-in-chief and/or the Editorial Board reserves the right to reject manuscripts that violate provisions on copyright, libel, and originality or if the manuscript is already reviewed by another academic journal or another publication venue. They shall be guided, thereof, by the guidelines of the journal, the standards set in the MST Review reviewer’s form, and by the legal requirements of the country regarding libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Manuscripts shall be judged on the basis of their academic and intellectual merits, without regard to the authors’ age, race or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief or affiliation, citizenship, political orientation or social class. The Editor-in-Chief has the last say over the content of the journal and its publication date.

The Editorial Board shall also ensure that both authors’ and peer reviewers’ identities are protected and shall remain confidential.

The Editor-in-chief and/or the Editorial Board shall provide guidelines to guest editors, authors, and reviewers regarding their responsibilities as well as the nature of the peer review processes.

The views presented by an author in a published article do not necessarily reflect the views of the members of the Editorial Board.  MST Review does not charge editorial or processing fees.

Responsibilities of Reviewers

The peer review process is an indispensable component of scholarly publications and lies at the heart of common search, exploration, and creation of knowledge.

MST Review assumes that all scholars who wish to contribute to this process have an obligation to do a fair share of reviewing.

The peer review process assists editors in making sound and informed decisions. The process may also assist authors in improving the quality of their manuscripts.

Any manuscripts received for review are to be held as confidential materials and must not be shared with others except when authorized by the Editor-in-Chief in certain exceptional circumstances. This policy also applies to reviewers who are unable to accept the review invitation.

The MST Review reviewer’s form has to be accomplished with diligence, utmost objectivity, and in due consideration of the criteria contained therein.

Responsibilities of Authors

Authors are expected to prepare their manuscripts for peer review process. They must ensure that their manuscripts are original and do not violate provisions on copyright infringement, libel, and plagiarism. Manuscripts already reviewed in another academic journal or in other publication venues need not be submitted anymore. They shall be guided, thereof, by the guidelines of the journal and the standards set in the MST Review reviewer’s form which will be communicated to authors upon the receipt of manuscripts submitted.

Authors are obliged to participate in the peer review process and cooperate fully by responding promptly to editors’ requests for supplemental materials, clarifications, and other requirements pertaining to the nature of research process.

Authors must respond to the reviewers’ comments/evaluations systematically and promptly, taking into account the deadline given for revisions.

MST Review assumes that all authors have the obligation to do a fair share of reviewing.

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